Thursday, April 23, 2009

Bloggo Ideas

Okay in a fit of hypomania I came up with a few good ideas for things to blog about. Which of the following would be entertaining enough to stumble upon by accident or read if you were terribly bored?

1. Take environmental commercials and ads and explain why they're bogus.
2. Bring treasures out of my attic and tell happy and sad stories about their origins. Items would/could include my decapitated female GI Joes, my Grandparents "sex for married couples" books, and a collection of holiday cards my grandmother held onto for some reason.
3. Talking about my experiences in construction as a LEED consultant. Would/could include sweet pictures of manly construction activities and sad but compelling stories of abuse I withstood and ultimately conquered with LEED gold and Platinum ratings beeyoacho.
4. Description of the many sandwiches I consume and the merits of each(joke).

Hit me with comments.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


This is my first blarg post. I just want to test the format out to see if it's something I'd enjoy doing, and whether I can make it interesting and worth existing. It could also be an excellent medium to monitor my own sanity. More to come.